Sunday, July 02, 2006

amigos e rivais

"Friends and rivals" foi o artigo que chamou a atenção no dia do jogo Portugal-Inglaterra. Aqui fica um excerto das várias razões porque eles não conseguem não gostar de nós.

«There is one of them to every six of us. Their bread is a good deal tastier than ours, but the salt cod they so delight in we can take or leave. They are our oldest allies: our common enemy was Spain. They share our long and distinguished history of seafaring. We owe it to their ocean adventurer, Vasco da Gama, that the sea passage to India was opened up so that we could exploit it.
They gave us our taste for a certain vintage after-dinner drink. George Galloway MP is one of 50,000 Britons who likes them enough to have a second home there. And, of course, their national coach had the nerve to turn down the England job after sampling the sort of treatment he could expect from sections of our press.»

Published: 01 July 2006. The Independent


Blogger S Guadalupe said...

e havia mais:
- o vinho verde;
- o vinho do Porto;
- acharem Lisboa uma das cidades mais belas do mundo, mas não saberem o nome de uma rua;
- as praias;
- o algarve;
- etc

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

e chegaram a dizer que os enervava imenso terem perdido várias vezes connosco e com equipas portuguesas?

6:51 AM  

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